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We have been operating since 2003 with an extensive network of partners.
We can help in: market entry consulting, trade promotion, company incorporation, intellectual property protection services, international tax consulting
Our clients can access EU funding for market entry. For joint ventures, joint R&D projects, high intensity support is available from EU Member States and/or the European Commission. We have 16 years of expertise in project management of supported projects.
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A Central European nation sharing land borders with Slovakia, Ukraine, Austria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, Hungary shipped US$125.9 billion worth of goods around the globe in 2018. That dollar amount reflects an 11.8% gain since 2014 and an 11% increase from 2017 to 2018. (...)
EU Gateway is an initiative funded by the European Union helping European companies to establish long-lasting business collaborations in Asia. Selected European companies meeting the eligibility criteria get the opportunity to participate in a one-week business mission focused on a specific sector in Korea, South East Asia, China and Japan. Companies benefit from a range of (...)
Manufacturing and innovation has been going hand in hand for over centuries in Hungary. The country has probably punched above its weight in science, especially in terms of engineering and biotechnologies. With more than 10 Nobel Prize laureates and a number of game changing inventions like the modern transformer, the carburettor, the cathode ray, Vitamin C, quantum mechanics and digital computing, Hungarians have given a lot to the world.
Agri-food industry is historically strategic industry in Hungary. With perfect soil, weather conditions and an abundancy of natural waters, the country is ideal for quality agriculture and food industry. Hungary is a GMO free country, there are exceptional conditions for organic production. The special characteristics of the climate and soils give a unique flavour and excellent nutritional value to food products.
EU Gateway is an initiative funded by the European Union helping European companies to establish long-lasting business collaborations in Asia. Selected European companies meeting the eligibility criteria get the opportunity to participate in a one-week business mission focused on a specific sector in Korea, South East Asia, China and Japan. Companies benefit from a range of business support services, which include coaching, logistical, and financial support. NLC Consulting Group has participated at numerous missions with clients, we help you prepare your application and manage a succesful business mission.
EU Roller is widely used in conveyors, mostly in mines, cement factories, biomass producers, waste/garbage processors, ports all around the world. EU Rollers are more energy efficient, more durable and therefore more cost effective than traditional rollers. They are approximately 60% of the weight of conventional steel rollers, making installation easier and saving on start-up costs. Contact NLC Consulting Group to learn more about this patented, Hungarian product!
The Hungarian Mangalica is one of the largest pigs in the world. It's meat is rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and in natural antioxidants. Therefore, it is healthier than the fat of the white pig varieties used in intensive farming, and it is even good for the heart. According to studies, the levels of Omega 3 in Mangalica are 2 to 3 times higher than in many varieties of fish. Its large amount of unsaturated fatty acids allows it to melt at lower temperatures than other pigs, which translates into organoleptic virtues considered as a delicacy by some of the best chefs in the world.
Hungary ranks 32nd among the most innovative countries in the Bloomberg Innovation Index, standing before Hong Kong, Iceland or Malta. The Global Innovation Index places Hungary 33rd among the countries of the world in 2016. In 2014, Hungary counted 2,651 full-time-equivalent researchers per million inhabitants, steadily increasing from 2,131 in 2010 and compares with 3,984 in the US or 4,380 in Germany. Hungary also has one of the highest rates of filed patents, the 6th highest ratio of high-tech and medium high-tech output in the total industrual output, the 12th-highest research FDI inflow, placed 14th in research talent in business enterprise and has the 17th-be
The Hungarian Grey cattle are an ancient breed of domestic cattle indigenous to Hungary. It is a beef cattle breed and primarily raised for meat production. It probably arrived with the 9th century Hungarian immigration from Asia to the Hungarian lowlands. Due to their reported resistance to cattle diseases and care-less open-air keeping, their meat is of excelllent qulity and often produced as organic product.